Magic… in the Dark… blindfolded?

It never crossed my mind that almost every magic trick that I perform needs the audience to be able to see the processes to fully understand and appreciate the illusion.

\”Dining in the Dark Meets Magic\”

But what happens when you are in complete darkness? And you can’t see anything around you? Or if you want to share a magic experience with a partially sighted friend? Is it even possible to experience magic blindfolded?

These question have been on the mind of Chilean magician Juan Esteban Varela for more than a decade. And his show From The Dark proves that even in complete darkness – and blindfolded for extra security / weirdness you can experience amazement and magic.


From the Dark is a show that has never been performed in the UK before and we’re so excited to bring it over for MagicFest 2017. If you’re looking for a completely different show that gives you wonder in a brand new way then this is for you. I know you’ll love it.

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Kevin Quantum
Artistic Director

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