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Thank you all so much for being part of the second MagicFest Christmas show \”The Secret Gift\” at the Traverse Theatre.
This was our second run of performances at Christmas and we had a blast.
The audience feedback was overwhelming positive and we\’ll be back next Christmas with more wintery illusions. In the meantime do check out the May Festival lineup. A few shows are now already on sale! See here for more details.
At the start of each show we asked the audience to tell us their best and worst gifts experiences at Christmas. Over the 8 shows – that\’s 240 people (from an audience of thousands) who have given told us exactly what excites them at Christmas. Early results show socks as the worst. The best is very interesting… We will be releasing the results very soon!
See you in May!

“Utterly adored the @MagicFest Christmas show today. The five acts were fabulous! I was mesmerised by the bubbles!”
“…great acts and lots of laughs #christmas #family\”
“Just had an awesome evening seeing @MagicFest in Edinburgh! We oo\’d and aah\’d our way through the night! Highly recommend”
“So much fun at the Secret Gift…”
\”Great show and brilliant work bringing worldwide talent to Edinburgh. Nice set too\”
\”Fantastic time at #thesecretgift show. Top performers! Very entertaining\”
\”An intriguing evening @MagicFest @traversetheatre. Loved the bumbling @neilkelso & @kevinquantum. Catch it if you can!\”

The variety of acts in “The Secret Gift” makes for an exciting evening. The overarching festive cheer of this show successfully extends the magic of Christmas well beyond its usual temporal limits. – World Magic Review


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