Vincent Gambini: Out of thin air
Duration: 30 mins
Ages: 14+
Tickets: £8 / £7 CONC/ £7 CHILD
- Thur 28 Dec 12:00
- Fri 29 Dec 12:00
- Sat 30 Dec 12:00

“‘Out of thin air’ brings together new poetic illusions by Vincent Gambini. Sitting at a table with a deck of cards, the magician takes us backstage into how shows are made, what magic might be, and what holds the universe together (maybe).
There are stories about magicians at magic conventions, an attempt at presenting a show in which nothing happens, and magic poems about none other than you, the spectator.
Expect deft sleight of hand, strange poetry, and low-key spectacle.
★★★★★ ‘There’s something deeply satisfying in the chill, philosophical style of Vincent Gambini’
Exeunt Magazine
‘Truly the Stewart Lee of magic’
Mumble Cirque”
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